Member Directory Form

Directory Profile Form

"*" indicates required fields


Please submit your industry profile for publishing. You may also login to the portal and update directly in the My Member functions.
Your member information will be verified first before your submission can be published.

Industry Profile Info

Free format. Ex. Daniel M - MBA, ERP Expert
How you want to be contacted.
We may align your requested sub-category with our standard classifications.

My Member Info

For verification of membership puposes only
Only current members can publish their profile in the directory. We will verify your membership before processing your request.
Your DSOBA member ID
Your name as registered in DSOBA
Your registered Email
Your registered mobile number

Confirm your application

I confirm that I am an existing member of DSOBA and would like to publish my profile to the Members Directory for access by other members.
Terms & Conditions*

(i) The personal data provided in this form will be used by the DSOBA to help other members find your profile, and suggest connections for you and other members.

(ii) The personal data collected may be provided to DSOBA, or relevant administrative officers for the above-mentioned purposes.

(iii) For amendment of the personal data after submission of this form, you may perform self updates, or withdraw your submission at any time. You may do this at the or make a request to DSOBA office at

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
