Dinner Talk – Kiang Tsi Liang

Dear All Members, We are pleased to inform you that a dinner gathering with Mr. Kiang Tsi Liang will be held on Wednesday 2nd March 2011.  Mr. Kiang is a former music teacher, conductor of choir and symphony orchestra at the School for over 30years. The event details...

DBS Boy admitted to Cambridge 2011

男拔校長張灼 祥昨日與傳媒聚餐時表示,練卓賢現時已獲海外三所大學取錄,包括他心儀的英國劍橋大學、加拿大滑鐵盧大學及倫敦大學,但劍橋大學提供的是有條件取錄,「由 於卓賢仍未達十六歲的入學年齡,所以他最快下年才能入學」。張灼祥指出,練卓賢報讀劍橋大學的應用數學及物理學系,課程為期四年,修畢後,練卓賢可取得一 個學士及一個碩士學位。 對於學校出產「四級跳神童」,張灼祥笑言,練卓賢的小學成績其實不特別標青,「他小學及初中都不是讀精英...

DSOBA announcement

The DSOBA General Committee announces the resignation of  Mr. Siu Cheuk Ming Maurice (Class of ’89)  as a member of our committee in order to take care of personal matters.  Mr. Siu’s resignation became effective on 14th December, 2010 and – from...