In Memory of Mr Lowcock – YIP Chee-kuen (76)

I learnt with great sadness the passing away of Mr Lowcock, our beloved headmaster.  Although I joined DBS from Form 1, he told me that he recognised me only when I was in Form 6.  Being a shy boy coming from a Chinese primary school, I was neither too good nor too...

Caning Stick – Kwai Hong Tong

My friend’s son told me that there was a rattan stick being displayed in the school. “Is it just for display only?” he asked. “It has been used, and it’s useful.” I said, “唔打唔大,唔打會壞.” At that time we could feel painful...

From Thomas CHOI 1961 Seattle

I was not one of the better students to have fully benefitted from Mr. Lowcock’s physics lessons.  But I still remember his lectures, his i.e.’s, his e.g.’s, his Boyle’s law, which we all copied down often with a smile on our faces at his...

DSOBA Dragon Boat – WE NEED YOU!

Boys, The Dragon Boat season is here and the DBS Old Boys team needs you!! Remember the times gone by when we went beyond our limits at the Inter-School events, only to be the best of the best? (does anyone recall a small wannabe school called LSC?)   Now we have the...