Dear fellow members,
It’s October and nothing beats to have a real German beer with good old buddies… Oktoberfest 2016 is around the corner so let’s eat, drink and be merry!
DSOBA has reserved a table at the Marco Polo Hotel German Bierfest, the most traditional and authentic outdoor Bierfest in Hong Kong. Call Evonika or Karen to secure your tickets NOW as they move really fast.
Place: Marco Polo German Bierfest, Level 6 Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui.
Date: 3rd November 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 6pm to 11:30pm
Price: $200 per head (Beer and German beer mug included)
* 40 Tickets available – First come first serve *
Mark the date and cheers with us!

Jerome Leung ’83
Social Activities Sub-Committee Chairman