Obituary – Ting-ming Tsang 09

He felt unwell in the evening of April 4 and we sent him to ER that night. After tests and imaging, he was diagnosed of pancreatic infection and therefore was hospitalized. The doctors did not treat him with medications other than those he routinely takes, but he was...

A tribute to DBS boys! (09)

There is something quite special about filmmaking, the way it is able to capture: a piece of history, a part of someone’s heart, a sliver of memory.  One of our scenes yesterday was filmed in the French room.  The room itself was a complete surprise...

Holland Bean concert 09

 As a finale of this whole project, she is going to hold a concert entitled "Happiness is Free (快樂是免費的) on Sunday, the 8th February 2009 in the field of Diocesan Boys' School. This concert will be admission free....

Thomas Lee – Cape Town 08

Mrs. Camorie Ann, my in-law was a teacher at DBS from 1968 to 1974 and knows Thomas quite well. Thomas was very happy to see us since he has few visitors. He still remember quite a few of us like William Ong, Paul Chan, Edmund Choy, David Li and Pankee but he...