University Day 2009

We will be hosting a presentation on university application and interview as well as discussion groups with our fellow alumni.  These old boys are graduates from some of the most prestigious schools in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States including...

History of DBS: Video of interview 09

{youtube}ke-j2kK52aU{/youtube} {youtube}BNQn57HK8QQ{/youtube} 拔萃險遭殺校 DBS was almost aborted at its infancy   錯體校徽? The flawed School Badge?   {youtube}S-I6ijU-zqk{/youtube} {youtube}MkbGnHfauYk{/youtube} 1969: 拔萃首次全體學生民主投票表決校徽和午餐時間 First all student vote for School...

Global Gathering – Vancouver 09

屆時香港拔萃男校現任校長 Terence Chang 及香港男拔舊生會會長 Desmond Yip 將組團專程由港到温哥華出席是次盛會. 晚會節目豐富, 除提供精美自助餐外,更有多項極有心思的精彩表演及娱興節目,一定令大家盡興而歸. 温哥華男拔舊生會更在每月第一個星期三晚上六時三十分有聚餐例會 (九月份因為有 140週年聚餐, 所以例會暫停一次, 十月份繼續舉行); 例會地點在列治文區敘香園 (列治文第三路帝國中心),歡迎大温區及外來到訪男拔舊生們踴躍參加.  有興趣参加以上活動者,請從速報名....