Inter-School Swimming Finals 2013-14

Dear Members, Old Boys and Friends of DBS, The Inter-School Swimming Finals 2013-14 will be held at the Kowloon Park Swimming Pool on Wednesday, 23 October 2013. The DBS Swimming Team will be all out to defend our glory and trying to be crowned Overall Champion for...

DSOBA Choir – 男拔舊生合唱團揚威

Ming Pao Daily News A16  |   Emily男拔舊生亞太合唱奪冠 拔萃男書院嘅合唱團攞過唔少獎,更難得係學生畢業後依然有把靚聲,繼續「唱好」母校招牌。Emily 聽聞,男拔舊生合唱團上星期喺印尼美娜多舉行嘅「第三屆亞太合唱比賽」,擊敗來自18 個國家地區嘅134 隊合唱團,攞到「公開組全場總冠軍」及「公開組男聲冠軍」,作為男拔合唱團指揮嘅校長鄭基恩(箭嘴示)真係飲得杯落。喺男拔教音樂同英文嘅鄭校長,曾於美國伊利諾伊州大學修讀音樂碩士,2007 年獲國際音樂團體頒發「指揮家獎狀」。校長督師挫134...

Outdoor Swimming Pool

Dear DSOBA members,Please be informed that the last day of use for DSOBA members and their guests of the outdoor swimming pool at DBS will be on October 20, 2013.RegardsJohn LowSports Committee

Oktoberfest 2013

Dear fellow members,It’s October and nothing beats to have a real German beer with good old buddies… Oktoberfest 2013 is around the corner so lets eat, drink and be merry!DSOBA has reserved a table at the Marco Polo Hotel German Bierfest, the most...