+852 27135268


First Flight – Diocesan Choral Society Summer Concert

Dear Members of the DSOBA,

You are cordially invited to First Flight – Diocesan Choral Society Summer Concert, to be held on 18 July 2015 at Diocesan Boys’ School.

The Diocesan Choral Society (DCS) was founded for graduates of Diocesan Boys’ School and Diocesan Girls’ School to continue down the musical path forged together in our secondary school days. Under the baton of Ronnie Kay Yen Cheng, we are united in our common goal of producing high quality choral music. First Flight – Diocesan Choral Society Summer Concert is the biggest project that DCS has embarked on to date, involving over a hundred singers from across generations. The concert programme will include exciting pieces the choir has not attempted before, as well as a celebration of favourite pieces from the choir’s repertoire of previous performances and competitions. Details of the concert are as follows:

Date:18 July 2015 (Saturday)
Venue:Yip Kit Chuen Concert Hall, Yunni & Maxine Pao Auditorium, Diocesan Boys’ School
Ticket prices:Adult       $200Student    $120VIP         Sponsors only
Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/events/1568268970064559/

One of the objectives of this concert is to raise fund for our future projects, one of which, if circumstances allow, is to participate in the 9th World Choir Games to be held in Russia in 2016. We sincerely invite you to support our future endeavours through sponsoring VIP tickets of this concert. Sponsorships beginning from the lower thousands are welcomed and your support will play a vital role in actualizing our plans.

If you wish to sponsor us by making a purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us at dcsticketing@gmail.com. You are also welcome to contact any of the following DCS representatives for any enquiries: 

Hayden Kwan (DBS ’09) kwanyiuhei@gmail.com 

Maco Wong (DBS ’13) macowong91@gmail.com

Karen Daley (DGS ’14) karen@daleybread.com

Thank you for your kind support.

Yours faithfully,

Diocesan Choral Society

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Join Happy Hour with St Stephen’s Girls College Alumnae Association

Dear Fellow Old Boys,
Our next exciting Happy Hour will be a joint event with St. Stephen’s Girls College Alumnae Association.  We are very pleased and  thrilled to have this opportunity to meet and interact with their graduates.
The date will be May 22, 2015 (Friday) and the venue will be at our favorite hangout “Bit Point” located at G/F, 31 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central. We have a great deal from Bit Point offering us HK180/person for unlimited selected drinks and delicious snacks from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. 
Please let our DSOBA secretaries Sonia or Maggie know at 2713-5268 if you would like to join this fun-filled Happy Hour. Hope to see you all there.
Please also note that our regular Happy Hour on the 29th of May will be postponed to the 26th of June.Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,
Jerome Leung
DSOBA Vice President
Social Activities Committee Chairman

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DSOBA AGM 2015 Agenda

Dear Members,

                                                                  A G E N D A

Please be informed that the Annual General Meeting of Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association Ltd. (“DSOBA”) will be held at The Chinese Club, The Chinese Club Building, 14/F., 22 Connaught Road, Hong Kong on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 7:00 pm, to consider the following matters:

1)    To receive and consider the Report of the General Committee.
2)    To receive and consider the Income & Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of DSOBA for the year ended 31 December 2014 and the Auditor’s Report in connection with the same.
3)    To elect up to six (6) members to fill the vacated offices of the General Committee.

The following retiring General Committee members have decided NOT to offer for re-election:

       Name                Cert. Year
1)    Selwyn Chan        1977
2)    Desmond Yip        1982
3)    Jason Chiu           1988

The following retiring General Committee members, being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election:

       Name                Cert. Year
1)    Horace Chan        1966   
2)    John Low             1982
3)    Jerome Leung      1983

The following DSOBA members have been nominated for election:

       Name                Cert. Year
1)    Clifford Ip            1978
2)    Ryan Fong           1990
3)    Victor Chan          1992

As there are six (6) members to fill the six (6) vacated offices of the General Committee, voting is not necessary.

4)    To re-appoint the Auditor of DSOBA and authorize the General Committee to fix their remuneration.
5)    Any other business

By Order of the General Committee,

Henry Yau
Honorary Secretary

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Dinner Forum with DBS Headmaster Mr. Ronnie Cheng and Headteacher of DBS Primary Division Ms. Phyllis Lo

DSOBA is extremely honored and privileged to have Mr. Ronnie Cheng and Ms. Phyllis Lo as our speakers for the upcoming dinner forum. Mr. Ronnie Cheng is the Headmaster of Diocesan Boys’ School and Ms. Phyllis Lo is the Headteacher of Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division. They will be sharing with you their insights and knowledge of “DBS’s Perspective of Raising Children in the 21st Century”. 

Please do join this enlightening dinner talk for it will be a very memorable one.

Topic:    DBS’s Perspective of Raising Children in the 21st Century

Date:    30th April 2015

Venue:   City Hall Maxim’s Palace
             3rd Floor, City Hall
             Hong Kong

Price:    HK$1,000/ head for DSOBA members and spouses
             HK$1,500/ head for DSOBA non-members

Time:    7:00p.m.    Cocktails
            7:30p.m.    Dinner
            8:30p.m.    Sharing by Mr. Ronnie Cheng and Ms. Phyllis Lo
            9:00p.m.    Q/A and forum discussions
            9:30p.m     Closing remarks by Mr. Jerry Chang, President of DSOBA

Please call Sonia or Maggie at 2713 5268 or send email to sonia@dsoba.org / maggie@dsoba.org to reserve your seat(s). Please make cheque payable to “Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association Ltd” and send to 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon.

Please reserve your seats at your earliest convenience as spaces are limited. Please also note that payment must be received in advance in order to guarantee your booking.

For parties who are interested to sponsor this event, please contact Sonia at 2713 5268.

Yours sincerely,

Jerome Leung
Social Events Chairman, DSOBA

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DSOBA Football Semi Finals 2015

DSOBA football semi final match next Tuesday evening.

Details as follows: 呂潤財(白衫)vs 拔萃

14/4(二)將軍澳寶翠公園8:00 PM 

Do come support if you’re free!

Edwin Morris.

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Notice of AGM 2015


Notice is hereby given that the 2015 Annual General Meeting of Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association Limited (“DSOBA”) will be held at The Chinese Club, The Chinese Club Building, 14/F., 22 Connaught Road, Hong Kong on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 7:00 pm to transact the following businesses:
1)    To receive and consider the Report of the General Committee.
2)    To receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of DSOBA as at and for the year ended 31 December 2014 and the Auditor’s Report.
3)    To elect six (6) Members to fill the vacated offices of the General Committee.
Nomination of a member to fill any one of the vacated offices of the General Committee must be by way of the prescribed Nomination Form duly completed and returned to the General Committee at Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association, c/o Diocesan Boys’ School 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong no later than 7:00 pm on 23 April 2014. One Nomination Form must be used for each nominee.

4)    To re-appoint Auditor of DSOBA and authorize the General Committee to fix their remuneration.
5)    Any other business.

By Order of the General Committee

Henry Yau
Honorary Secretary

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<2015 AGM Nomination Form>

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Golf Day 2015

Golf President’s Cup


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