by Tanky Tang | Aug 30, 2018 | General, misc news
In order to maintain complete record of all school sporting facililties bookings, with immediate effect, all members who wish to reserve sports facilities on Sundays are required to submit the Sports Facilities Booking Application Form in advance for formal approval.... by Tanky Tang | Jun 23, 2014 | General, misc news
The Alumi League Final for football and volleyball were held on 2 June 2014 @ Shek Kip Mei Sports Centre. We came first in football and second in volleyball. {youtube}394y6V1d8fg{/youtube} {youtube}v-fe9HyQKpE{/youtube} (More Photos) by Tanky Tang | Jun 19, 2013 | misc news, Uncategorized
The Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association (the “Association”) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and securely kept. We have been using your personal data... by Tanky Tang | May 26, 2013 | misc news, Uncategorized
In recent years since possibly 2005, there has been a widespread sentiment amongst old boys that there is a need to assist boys who wish to pursue their dreams but cannot do so because of the lack of funds. It is ironic that while DBS is developing a super campus... by Tanky Tang | Oct 14, 2008 | misc news, Uncategorized
EligibilityAny old boy of Diocesan Boys’ School who has at least completed 2 academic years at DBS shall be eligible for Full or Trial Life Memberships. Any existing student of DBS who has at least completed 2 academic years at DBS shall be eligible for Trial... by Tanky Tang | May 1, 2008 | misc news, General
Tokyo Olympics 1964 – Hong Kong 1964年東京奧運,奧運聖火於9月4日首次在香港傳遞。當年傳遞路線簡單:聖火抵達啟德機場後,由九龍城傳至尖沙嘴,再渡海至中環。但當年跟奧運聖火同時探訪香港的還有颱風「露比」。根據天文台資料,聖火抵達當晚,即9月5日凌晨02:35天文台懸掛三號「風球」,上午10:30轉為九號,上午11:40更改為十號。而聖火則整晚於大會堂對開燃燒。<RTHK video> William Hill (62) photo contributed by Class...