HM Lowcock 90th Birthday 2020

On HM Lowcock’s 90th BirthdayWhere does one begin to retrace the footsteps of a true giant?  For me, it all started on a fateful day in 1960. Headmaster Lowcock, vigilant as always in tending to his flock, took me into his confidence when one day I caught his...

Beloved Headmaster – Samuel Hsu 79

He was our most beloved Headmaster; the trademark moustache, the cane, the stern look, the smile that could warm a young boy’s heart.  We owe him for the freedom of expression we enjoyed; the stimulating environment to learn, explore and discover who we were.  ...

懷念別樹一格的郭慎墀校長 – 馮以浤(1955年校友)

  懷念別樹一格的郭慎墀校長 郭慎墀 (Sydney James Lowcock) 校長五十年代是我的老師,六十年代是我的上司和朋友。此後我們一直保持聯繫。 學生年代,我受益於他的教學方法和專業精神;任教母校時,我贊同他那不落俗套的教育理念,特別是對課外活動的重視;作為朋友,我欣賞他那平易近人和坦率的作風。他對學生的關懷和愛護,深深地感染了我,成為了我日後在教育崗位上的指路明燈。...

Goodbye, Jimmy – Hanson Y Huang ‘68

  Goodbye, Jimmy Hanson Y Huang ‘68 Senior Prefect Boarders’ Senior Prefect Arthur House Captain Jimmy left unexpectedly, far too early, but mercifully very peacefully, even serenely. The last time we talked, during his 81st birthday party last December, he had asked...

Mr Jimmy Lowcock – Sum-Ping Lee (class 1963).

I will always have vivid and fond memories of Mr Lowcock.  He was a genuine and sincere man. He was generous, and very supportive of the students around him. His positive attitude and ‘can do’ spirit which so effectively radiated from him were rarely...