by Tanky Tang | Feb 2, 2012 | Memories
My name is Chi Ping Lau, when I was at DBS. I think I graduated from Form V in 1970. Mr Lowcock told us this story: one day a friend of his told his kid to give Mr Lowcock a candy. Mr Lowcock took it and ate it. The child cried. Moral of the story: we adults teach... by Tanky Tang | Feb 1, 2012 | Memories
Dear classmates, In my boyhood memories, the strongest association with DBS is undoubtedly ourheadmaster Mr. Lowcock. I have sat in his class once. I have fallen under his cane once. I have evaded his sight many times.All of these memories seem like brief encounters,... by Tanky Tang | Feb 1, 2012 | Memories
Dear Old Boys and friends of DBS, With the passing of Mr. SJ Lowcock, a golden era of DBS has come to a close. I was incredibly saddened to hear the news because he personally touched my life. I moved from Canada to Hong Kong in 1977 at the age of 11. It had always... by Tanky Tang | Feb 1, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock had left behind the legacy of a great educator and he will be sorely missed.Deepest condolence to his family and loved one!Edmond LokDBS Class of 1975 by Tanky Tang | Feb 1, 2012 | Memories
Dear Jay; Just returned from a cruise trying to delete the undeletable memories of my wife. Here I am struck with another sad news. The emotional eulogy you wrote about my favourite teacher at DBS is very touching and brought back the images of the beautiful past. His... by Tanky Tang | Feb 1, 2012 | Memories
The past month or so, I had been thinking about my dear Mr Lowcock. I had a hunch I would hear news about him, but did not expect it would be on his passing. Like many of my fellow schoolmates, we were able to interact with Mr Lowcock during our school years at...