by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
I am Dr. Chan Kam Tim, an DBS old boy ( Form 5 at 78 ) .Here is my brief words about Mr. Lowcock: Being a doctor specializing in heart diseases, it was indeed my great regret for not able to have any effective measures to rescue our beloved Headmaster’s failing... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
JIMMY LOWCOCK Although I was a close colleague with Jimmy for only four year during my time as school chaplain at DBS in the 1960’s I have long regarded him as one of the great influences on my life.. When I last saw him in 1998 he was still the same Jimmy. After... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
Personally, I did not have much contact with Mr. Lowcock when we were sharing our last days at DBS; I was neither the top of the class nor the athletic type. As I worked in the education field for 20 years, I know the quality of a principal is vital as it attracts... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
By most traditional measures, Mr. Lowcock might not have been considered a very religious man. However, he was the most Christ-ian person I have known in my entire 64 years. I am sure many of you will be sharing examples of his love, generosity, self-sacrifice and... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
I cannot say how fortunate we were when we studied at DBS in the 1960s and 70s under his leadership. He was our physics teacher in Form 3. Under his guidance, I excelled in this subject and eventually won a physics prize. He was such a excellent teacher and... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
My deepest condolence to the family of Mr. James Lowcock. Mr. Lowcock will always be remembered as a great mentor to all his students. His wisdom and philosophy on life and humanism have impacted all of us indelibly. He has taught us how be ourselves. His legacy...