by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
In Memory of Mr. Sidney James Lowcock – the Headmaster’s HouseWhere was that special “classroom” in which extra lessons were taught and learned on Hill Kadoorie? The Headmaster’s House. The House had served different headmasters through... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock once said to me, “We taught you everything you know. You have a mission to serve DBS.” Though the statement was directed to me, I think it may apply to all graduates of DBS, particularly to those who have gone through the entire schooling... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock (I always called him Har Gow) was a superb teacher, motivator, and excellent coach. He tried most of the time to be tough (gruff even) but we all knew that he was kind and generous to all of us. Although he never taught me in class, he did offer to tutor... by Tanky Tang | Jan 31, 2012 | Memories
Dear relatives and beloved ones of Mr. Jimmy Lowcock,His unforgettable smile; sayings; negative to positive encouragement; helping others spirit will always treasure deep in our heart! Please accept the deepest condolences with respect and fond memories,Victor Yung... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock set a perfect and professional example of selflessness and loyalty in serving DBS and his students tirelessly, so that we could all enjoy better knowledge of rights from wrongs, a great fraternity and a desire to emulate him in spreading the school’s... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Still not sure how to start cause it had being so many year ago.This one summer night in Shatin Hotel ( 1967) when I was out with my father we ran into each other and there he was, a classmate of my Uncle Eugene and 1 year under my father .Second thing I knew I was...