by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
I do not know him much, I had always looked at him from a distance. But to me, he was a true leader, a true leader of the staff and the students, through his soft spoken words and kind eyes! One great man that influenced me in teaching my own kids.Cheung Wai Yuen... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
In memory of Mr. SJ Lowcock Mr Lowcock is DBS and DBS is, as I know it, Mr Lowcock.I have the greatest respect for him, both as headmaster and a persondedicated to helping his students to achieve their best.Although he is a man of few words, at least with me, he was... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
摘錄自<信報>「金融圈內」部份內容 B版15頁 (2011年1月30號 星期一) Excerpt from article appearing at HK Economic Journal (Mon Jan 30, 2012 Section B15) 最後,有一段話,是給剛去世的老校長S. J. Lowcock的一點心意。Mr. Lowcock,再見 懷念,我們的S. J. Lowcock S. J. Lowcock(1930-2012),是上世紀60至80年代男拔萃(DBS)的校長。Mr.... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock set a perfect and professional example of selflessness and loyalty in serving DBS and his students tirelessly, so that we could all enjoy better knowledge of rights from wrongs, a great fraternity and a desire to emulate him in spreading the school’s... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Still not sure how to start cause it had being so many year ago.This one summer night in Shatin Hotel ( 1967) when I was out with my father we ran into each other and there he was, a classmate of my Uncle Eugene and 1 year under my father .Second thing I knew I was... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
He was not only a Headmaster and a Mentor …..He was a great friend.With deepest condolences.FromGilbert Wong & EdithMark Wong