by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Can’t agree more ..”一名校長無私的愛可以影響幾代人,我今天能有丁點慷慨, 校長是其中一位讓我覺得做好事能有幸福感的人。 ” From “蝦餃與阿孫”(明報)2009年11月15日星期日 05:10【明報專訊】怎也想不到自己會與拔萃男書院的蝦餃校長(郭慎墀James... by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
Our beloved headmaster in heaven will continue to love us all and help the children when they call …….Tony LauClass’77 by Tanky Tang | Jan 30, 2012 | Memories
It is with sadness to note the passing of another chapter of DBS history – the passing of Mr. Lowcock. Mr. Lowcock represented what DBS was most proud of – that of being family and home to the many young boys who grew up into fine young men after the destruction and... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
我所知道的蝦餃佬~敬悼郭慎墀校長陳煒舜(Nicholas L. Chan, Class ’93)春節過了,立春還沒到,大年初四的香港特別冷。在這個祁寒的殘冬之日,忽然接到郭慎墀校長(Mr. Sidney James Lowcock)逝世的簡訊。八十一歲高齡,應該是笑喪了,但依然帶給許多親朋師友難於自已的哀思。郭校長生前喜歡大家叫他為Jimmy,但以華人居多的學生們背地裡卻始終愛用中文稱呼他,早期叫「蝦哥」,後來叫「蝦餃佬」,最後甚至叫「餃叔」。 Jimmy與「蝦」結下不解之緣,還要感謝他的前任施玉麒牧師(Canon... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Farewell, Mr Lowcock, SIR! You are a true friend to your students.I am blessed to have you as my headmaster during my years at DBS and I will always treasure the gift of the cricket bat that you gave in 1976. My children will be using it soon and I am glad they had a... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Hi classmates, Indeed Mr. Lowcock’s life is not without controversy. I was not a fan at all for Lowcock in schooldays for several good reasons. For me, the foremost is that the Chaplin in our times was a heretical “Christian”, a Modernist or...