From Henry Chiu DBS1978er

Hi classmates, Indeed Mr. Lowcock’s life is not without controversy. I was not a fan at all for Lowcock in schooldays for several good reasons. For me, the foremost is that the Chaplin in our times was a heretical “Christian”, a Modernist or...

From Vnee YEH

Lowcock is the epitome of the Headmaster who cares about developing the students; character, not just grades. Reminds me of Pacino in ‘Scent of a Woman’. Vnee YEH

From Kansai (Bernard)

Dear Jay,Your eulogy on Mr. Lowcock made me cry.He was my first physics teacher and his first lessons laid the foundation of my whole engineering career. I ran for DBS when I was in F5, and under his encouragement, our 4x100m relay team beat the Queen’s team and...