by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Hi classmates, Indeed Mr. Lowcock’s life is not without controversy. I was not a fan at all for Lowcock in schooldays for several good reasons. For me, the foremost is that the Chaplin in our times was a heretical “Christian”, a Modernist or... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Lowcock is the epitome of the Headmaster who cares about developing the students; character, not just grades. Reminds me of Pacino in ‘Scent of a Woman’. Vnee YEH by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Dear Jay,Your eulogy on Mr. Lowcock made me cry.He was my first physics teacher and his first lessons laid the foundation of my whole engineering career. I ran for DBS when I was in F5, and under his encouragement, our 4x100m relay team beat the Queen’s team and... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Despite SJL’s Laissez faire and his ” don’t really care if you don’tcare “attitude , I learnt my first discipline lesson from him in hisphysics class in form lower 6 ; a class captain or whatever, I wasmade to stand on my writing table... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
Dear DBS old boys & the Lowcock Family,Mr Lowcock has been unique, representing the best combinations of genuine human nature designated by a Welsh surname but truly combining the Persian , Indo-China in the English liberal tradition & the Chinese depth. My... by Tanky Tang | Jan 29, 2012 | Memories
To serve with love, 萬世師表。 Warren Lee – Class 1963 Vancouver, Canada