Condolences – S.C. So

I am indeed very sadden to learn of the news that my most respected Jimmy Lowcock has left us unannounced. I am sure many of us in H.K. and overseas are sharing the same feeling. He was a tower of strength for all DBS boys. May he rest in peace. S.C.So

Memory and carrying on the run – David T. Fung

Dear Jimmy,   I am glad that I visited you on Sep 17, 2011 and had the opportunity to listen to your aspirations for financing students in need at DBS.  Your passionate message of prioritizing student needs over buildings is crystal clear.  Many of us have benefitted...

Rest in peace, Mr. Lowcock – Wayne Kwong

Even though I had not have much interaction with you when I was at school, your impression on me had been immense as a fair, caring, dedicated and much respected headmaster. You had guided our school with your heart and made DBS the school it is now. You will be...

深切懷念, 亦師亦友虾餃佬 -鍾少煊 Class of 1955

To :  Family of Sir James Sidney Lowcock亦師亦友虾餃佬Mr.James Lowcock 上唇蓄了鬍子, 被同學冠以虾餃佬雅號.虾餃佬一詞, 不褒不貶, 正好帶出了一個人的風格與氣質.我就讀DBS期間, 校長是MR. Goodban, 虾餃佬是物理課老師, 他說話流暢,詞鋒厲害, 富有幽默感, 上他的課, 沒有冷場, 不會打瞌睡. 教學態度靈活,不會照課本讀, 不主張死讀書.理科通常是學生們望而生畏的科目.不是受了他的感染,相信我班不會有那麼眾多傑出的理科生,50年代,...