by Tanky Tang | Feb 15, 2012 | Memories
I was a Form 2 boy when Mr. Lowcock became our Headmaster in the early 60’s. He seemed a very tall man in our small days. He was friendly. He was kind. He roamed our school ground carrying his signature ” Ha Kao” smile!Mr. Lowcock makes it known that... by Tanky Tang | Feb 14, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Lowcock, you will always be remembered as a loving and caring headmaster and friend; and to many of us, you are DBS. Your selfless and tireless dedication to teachers and students was a paragon in education. When we were bewildered, your words of wisdom inspired... by Tanky Tang | Feb 14, 2012 | Memories
Mr. Jimmy Lowcock, the Legacy of a Patriarch Where does one begin to retrace the footsteps of a true giant? For me, it all started on a fateful day in 1960. Headmaster Lowcock, vigilant as always in tending to his flock, took me into his confidence when one day I... by Tanky Tang | Feb 14, 2012 | Memories
Twenty years after I left DBS, if there was any superior during my days that I still pause and think about every so often with great fondness, it would definitely be Mr. S.J. Lowcock.During my years, I only knew him as the ex-headmaster. But he was still very attached... by Tanky Tang | Feb 14, 2012 | Memories
It was probably within two weeks after the 1960/61 school year had began that Mr. Lowcock first spotted me playing football on the field. I was a new boy and a boarder, attending Form 2D. As I was walking up the concrete stairs facing the field, Mr. Lowcock asked for... by Tanky Tang | Feb 14, 2012 | Memories
Very sad to hear his passing; No words but RESPECT. Thank you, Mr. Lowcock, for guiding my grow up years. Simon Ho ‘73