From Kenneth Kwok-Yuen Wong

Dear DBS64 classmates: Thanks for all the emails keeping those of us living overseas updated on Mr. Lowcock. He was my god father when I was baptised in HK Christ Church. I wish I could be in Hong Kong to say good bye to him. I will always remember his bow ties,...

From William King

Dear all, Although I am not his godson/ Kai chai, I had good memory of him during the 8 years in DBS.  He really did a good job especially in sports and music. We shall always remember him. I suggest you all to donate for the DSOBA – Lowcock Foundation....

念郭慎墀校長 Tribute to Sydney James Lowcock, MBE JP (1932 – 2012) By Paul P Chow Class 1978

念郭慎墀校長 Tribute to Sydney James Lowcock, MBE JP (1932 – 2012) By Paul P Chow  Class 1978 男拔萃老校長去世, 幾代師生校友無不暗然神傷。郭慎墀(Sydney James Lowcock) 在任的22 年, 亦為百年學府最精彩輝煌的年代。 男拔創校於 1869 年, 其成功少不了前人和後輩的努力, 當非郭慎墀一人的功勞, 但學校半世紀以來的精神面貌和人文價值卻毫無疑問是 “蝦蛟佬” 的傑作,...