From Ramon Lo

Lowcock became Headmaster in 1961, a year after I left DBS in 1960 so I didn’t really know him. Nor has he taught me. I do remember him clipping me on my ear once. Somehow, he knows me. My twin elder brothers left for the US in 1961 so Lowcock was never their...

「蝦餃」走了!- Dr. Aurelius Wai-Ching Fung DBS 86

「蝦餃」走了! 對一眾拔萃舊生來說,以「蝦餃」稱呼我們這位前(兩)任校長,比用其全名Mr. SJ Lowcock (郭慎墀)來得更親切。 噩耗傳來,歷代校友紛紛上線留言致哀,當中不少是我這一輩在他任期最末三兩間年入學的「小」師弟。同屆同學雖只與老校長共處不過兩年(他在任二十二年,於八三年我諗中二時因健康問題提早退休),對他卻懷有無尚的敬重。 全因他是個有心的校長。這份心,即使是我這個初中時只管啃書的「薯仔」也深深感受到。...

Gratitude to S.J.Lowcock – Ernie Chou

When I entered DBS as a boarder in 1959, Mr. Lowcock was there to welcome me. He immediately took me under his wing, and, indeed, became my surrogate fathe when my own father was held in a communist prison due to his journalistic view of Chairman Mao.Mr. Lowcock was...