by Tanky Tang | Feb 3, 2012 | Memories
My friend’s son told me that there was a rattan stick being displayed in the school. “Is it just for display only?” he asked. “It has been used, and it’s useful.” I said, “唔打唔大,唔打會壞.” At that time we could feel painful... by Tanky Tang | Feb 3, 2012 | Memories
I learnt with great sadness the passing away of Mr Lowcock, our beloved headmaster. Although I joined DBS from Form 1, he told me that he recognised me only when I was in Form 6. Being a shy boy coming from a Chinese primary school, I was neither too good nor too... by Tanky Tang | Feb 2, 2012 | Memories
In Memory of Mr. Jimmy Lowcock — A Devoted Educator — Mr. Jimmy Lowcock was not yet the principal when I was in DBS before the 1960s. He taught PE (Physical Education) when I was in Form II. It was customary in school to converse with the teachers in... by Tanky Tang | Feb 2, 2012 | Memories
My name is Chi Ping Lau, when I was at DBS. I think I graduated from Form V in 1970. Mr Lowcock told us this story: one day a friend of his told his kid to give Mr Lowcock a candy. Mr Lowcock took it and ate it. The child cried. Moral of the story: we adults teach... by Tanky Tang | Feb 2, 2012 | Memories
To : Family of Sir James Sidney Lowcock 亦師亦友 – 虾餃佬 Mr.James Lowcock 上唇蓄了鬍子, 被同學冠以虾餃佬雅號. 虾餃佬一詞, 不褒不貶, 正好帶出了一個人的風格與氣質. 我就讀DBS期間, 校長是MR. Goodban, 虾餃佬是物理課老師, 他說話流暢, 詞鋒厲害, 富有幽默感, 上他的課, 沒有冷場, 不會打瞌睡. 教學態度靈活, 不會照課本讀, 不主張死讀書. 理科通常是學生們望而生畏的科目.不是受了他的感染,... by Tanky Tang | Feb 2, 2012 | Memories
I was in Form 2A at DBS in 1960-61. On the morning of an ordinary school day, I met Mr. Lowcock on the corridor outside the School Hall. I was surprised to hear Mr. Lowcock calling my name and talked to me about something which I could no longer remember. But what I...