They were also individually named one of fifty awardees of 2007 Top China CIO (2007 年度中国優秀CIO) at the Award Presentation Ceremony held in Beijing on 19 January.

The event was jointly organised by IT Manager Magazine (IT經理世界) and IDC (China) and is regarded the Oscar award for top IT managers in IT users organisations for the whole of China. This year marks the 6th annual award since 2002, and has drawn over 1,600 entries throughout the country. The theme of the 2007 award is "managing changes and reforms" (應對变革). Judging was a rigorous process and lasted 5 months. The Judging Panel comprised of Head of Ministry of Information Industry Electronic Technology Research Institute, academia, IT analyst, IDC head researcher and organisers' senior executives.
Both Daniel Lai and Sunny Lee stated that it was their honours to receive the awards amongst such distinguished awardees and very sizable national organizations, indicating Hong Kong's strength in the innovation and application of IT.