我所知道的蝦餃佬 – Nicholas L.Chan (93)

我所知道的蝦餃佬~敬悼郭慎墀校長陳煒舜(Nicholas L. Chan, Class ’93)春節過了,立春還沒到,大年初四的香港特別冷。在這個祁寒的殘冬之日,忽然接到郭慎墀校長(Mr. Sidney James Lowcock)逝世的簡訊。八十一歲高齡,應該是笑喪了,但依然帶給許多親朋師友難於自已的哀思。郭校長生前喜歡大家叫他為Jimmy,但以華人居多的學生們背地裡卻始終愛用中文稱呼他,早期叫「蝦哥」,後來叫「蝦餃佬」,最後甚至叫「餃叔」。 Jimmy與「蝦」結下不解之緣,還要感謝他的前任施玉麒牧師(Canon...

From Loh Kin Ming

Lowcock remembered names, nicknames when we were teens the thought that the Headmaster did not know you filled my heart with pain and sorrow. One day while running down the corridor, he hollered “陸仔 slow down”, that day on I felt blessed and despite all the tears he...