Condolence – Roy Chan (’70)

Sad to learn that our beloved headmaster has passed away. He gave us an education beyond books and knowledge. He taught us how to think and reason. He inspired us to be a good citizen of the world. He will be missed as he moves on to his next journey. However his...

A sympathy poem in classical Chinese for Mr. Lowcock – Nicholas L. Chan (’93)

七律.為郭慎墀校長大行作 初度祁寒待曉春。 忽傳帝闕竟為賓。 彤雲漫此乘鳴鳳, 紫社依然賦采蘋。 七粟終存無盡藏, 耄期不倦有涯身。 道成九九登霞處, 撫鼎長思壽者仁。 -composed by Nicholas L. Chan (陳煒舜) of Class ’93, Assistant professor, the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, the Chinese University of Hong Kong...

Condolence – HO, Fung (’72)

It is indeed sad news that Mr. Lowcock has passed away. I appreciated his words of wisdom and encouragement, and his vision for me to become who I am. May he rest in peace. He will be very much missed.HO, Fung ’72