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Dr. George Ng, a beloved man and a treasure to his family and his community, passed away suddenly on July 13, 2008 in Vancouver, Canada.
George Ng

Born in Hong Kong in 1937, he immigrated to Canada in 1965. He obtained his DDS (1969), Dip. Pedo. (1967), and MScD (1972) from the University of Toronto. He was famous for giving back to his profession. For his contributions, he received many professional honours including a Fellowship in the American College of Dentists and the Certificate of Merit from the College of Dental Surgeons of BC.

He pioneered the promotion of dental health education to the Chinese community and was a regular speaker in the local media. He enjoyed research and publishing articles for dental journals, especially on the prevention of Early Childhood Caries, a topic that he was passionate about.

Dr. Ng was the founding president of the Chinese Canadian Dental Society of BC and was also a past president of the BC Society of Pediatric Dentists. Dr. Ng was most noted for his volunteerism in the community. He was twice the chairperson of the Board of Directors of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and was a Director of the Chinese Cultural Centre. He was also a board member of the Heart & Stroke Foundation (BC/Yukon). In 1992, he received the Canada Volunteer Award Certificate of Merit. Above all, George was a family man. George was a devoted husband to his wife, Karen, of 39 years.

We wish him a fond adieu and a well deserved rest. Well done, good and faithful servant, you are now sitting at the right hand of God. A celebration of his life will be held at Forest Lawn Funeral Home on Saturday, July 26, 2008 at Noon followed immediately by the interment. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Dr. George C. Ng Endowment Fund c/o UBC Faculty of Dentistry, Development Office 204-2199 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
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Yeung Kai Yin – obituary

Yeung Kai Yin (57) ex-Chairman of KCR passed away on 9-Feb-07.

前九鐵主席楊啟彥病逝 (星島) 02月 09日 星期五 03:30AM

(星島日報報道)患病多時的前九鐵    主席兼行政總裁楊啟彥,終於敵不過病魔前熬,昨晚八時在瑪麗醫院與世長辭,終年六十六歲﹔與楊啟彥屬好友的特首曾蔭權,昨晚在楊彌留前曾經到醫院探訪他,對於失去共事多年的同事,曾蔭權表示感到十分惋惜,又讚揚楊啟彥在政府服務期間,全心全力服務香港。

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